P-04-528 All Primary Schools in Wales taught through the medium of Welsh

Petition wording:

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to make all primary schools in Wales taught through the medium of Welsh. If we and the Welsh Assembly are truly committed to restoring the Welsh language and creating a bilingual Wales then action is required. I agree this is something that cannot be done overnight, there are issues such as teacher numbers and the transition between changing the schools from English to Welsh medium. The Welsh Assembly have emphasised the importance of having communities of Welsh speakers. This will only occur if the majority of children leaving school over many generations can speak fluently in Welsh.


We call for the Welsh Government to draft a preliminary plan of action and timetable of how such a change could in theory occur.


Petition raised by: Phillip Worth


Date Petition first considered by Committee: 21 January 2014


Number of signatures:528